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Best Wishes of Chinese New Year to our Global Friends
Best Wishes of Chinese New Year to our Global Friends
Release Date: February 11, 2021

To our friends around the world:

As the cycle of one year comes to an end, a new one begins. Chinese New Year 2021 is drawing near, and we at XCMG wish to extend our warmest wishes to all of you!

We have been through a lot in the last year, and 2020 brought many challenges with it. There are no words to describe the difficulties faced by businesses, countries, and by every single individual. But we made it. It was a year that was extraordinary in many ways, and we managed to make something extraordinary from it.

In a year that was so out of the ordinary, we faced the impossible with the determination to achieve great things and play in the global stage. In the face of Covid, XCMG fought every moment for pandemic relief, resource protection, and getting the workforce back to work, while our strong alliance in industrial chain overcame multiple challenges. Throughout the entire year, we set record highs on several indicators, and we successfully transitioned from simply returning to work and resuming production to running at full capacity. XCMG set the bar high with its incredible speeds in the construction of the Huoshenshan emergency hospital. Through such struggles, history is made. What really make XCMG great are the outstanding people that work here.

In a year of continuously striving for growth, we had the resolve to keep on going until we succeed. We kept fighting hard until we came out on top. The five major industries of construction machinery, heavy trucks, financing, construction assembly, and human resources, are bursting with competitive vigor, demonstrating an unrelenting increase in development speed and quality, with no signs of losing momentum. In an era where only the strong grow stronger, XCMG workers move forward together, striving only for the


To welcome in a brand-new year, we spared no effort to develop and transform, with a decisive victory for the mixed reform strategy. The mixed-ownership reform has attracted more than 21 billion RMB in investment, a substantial step towards creating a model for state-owned enterprise reform. This is a major reform that XCMG has been looking forward to for a long time, with a new structure and new mechanisms promising new opportunities and responsibilities for the future. We do more than just witness. We contribute. All XCMG staff showed their spirit, pledging to help write a new chapter.

If there is no aspiration, there is no moving forward. With this pandemic raging across the globe, there are still 274 of you working overseas. You are always on our minds! If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Tens of thousands of XCMG workers have all made outstanding contributions to

the development of XCMG through their hard work, knowledge and pure grit. Everyone has been absolutely incredible! We are extremely grateful to every XCMG employees and to their families for their dedication and support on this uphill journey.

Creating opportunities amid crisis.

2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the first year of the 14th “Five Year Plan”, and the beginning of a new journey of socialist modernization building towards the second Centenary goal. Along the way, although glory is at our side, we have a heavy responsibility to bear.

No matter how distant your goal may seem, you must start from where you are, and never give up. In this new era, XCMG not only needs to scale growth but exceed expectations.

There is a long journey ahead of us, but only if we strive for the best. XCMG must live up to its mission and promise to make an all-out effort and never give up in the pursuit

of quality.

To everyone—to you, and to all XCMG staff working hard and forging the path ahead, we salute you. We are so proud of the XCMG spirit: to always strive for better, and to always move forward!

February 9, 2021

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