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You are Real Warriors! -- Pay Tribute to XCMG Employees Stationed Overseas
You are Real Warriors! -- Pay Tribute to XCMG Employees Stationed Overseas
Release Date: February 25, 2021

A great wind came forth, the clouds rose on high.

Now that my might rules all within the seas, I have returned to my hometown.

Where will I find brave men to guard my land?

When the warm breeze of the new year

Caresses my cheek with a trace of happy Spring Festival flavor,

When friends and family get together

There is a group of warriors,

Who are risking the pandemic,

Guard the front line of marketing and service in countries around the world.

They give up their small families for everyone,

They have a bright and ardent heart to repay their motherland.

They are determined to spread XCMG products all over the world.

They vowed

To make Made in China famous at home and abroad!

They have a common name - overseas XCMG employees!



They are facing ice and snow! In the low temperature of minus 20 or 30 degrees in Russia, we can see their resolute eyes, and the firm XCMG golden heavy equipment is still moving forward in the snowstorm!


In the biting ice and snow

The banner still shows its majesty

Golden heavy equipment stand upright

Pointing to the sky like a sword



In the heavy rain, they resolutely go forward! In the rainy season of Indonesia, accompanied by the dull thunder, the rain poured down. They are covered with rain and sweat. They are walking forward with heavy loads on the muddy road, and the roar of the equipment in the rain and fog is full of their perseverance!


The night wind is cooling and the flowers are fading

Whispering with local accent under the moonlight

The bright moonlight shines on the heavy equipment

Reflecting the great feelings of serving the country



In the endless deserts of the African continent, in the Australian desert where the ore is as hard as knife and the mosquitoes are everywhere, in the quiet and simple European towns, and in America where modern business competition is fierce... Whether on the business battlefield or in the service front, they are full of fighting spirit and full of passion!


Oriental heavy equipment

Like golden clouds

Roaring with pride

Turn passion into sweat

Draw a great blueprint

Outline the love for the country with oil

Finally reached the summit

Just for the red flag in mind


In the Spring Festival of 2021, let's listen to the aspirations of overseas XCMG employees to their motherland, enterprises and families, and feel their sincere patriotism!

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